Why is it that so often when going to prayer I allow really big things to obscure my vision? Whatever it is that causes that, I don't think I'm alone. We allow our lives, our sin, our failure, our successes, our needs, and a host of other things to get in the way of seeing the most important - HIM!
It's the reason when Jesus taught us to pray, He said to pray like this, "Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name..." (Matt 6:9) So join me today in praying like this:
"Father, today, in the middle of all my stuff, with so many things that need to be addressed, and with so many things going on in my life, help me to see YOU! Lord, even like Isaiah saw you "...High and lifted up..."(Is. 6:1) in the middle of a very traumatic situation, let me, indeed, let us, today, see you on Your Throne - High and Lifted up. God, forgive me for allowing the looming things of life to obscure the "one thing" that brings the greatest sense of peace, love, security and well being, and that is what David wrote about in the Psalms, when He said, "...that I may dwell in the House of The Lord, all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His Temple".(Ps. 27:4) That's my hearts cry today, Oh God, that I may simply behold the beauty of the Lord and be with You. May I see you right now as the One whose Name is Hallowed - and the One who alone is Holy! God, I've got to know that you're going to take care of the rest, in Jesus' Name we pray, Amen!"
God bless you all and have a wonderful Monday!
Pastor Randy
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