

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Magic Kingdom

"...Your Kingdom come, Your will be done..."

No disrespect intended, but, I don't want a Mouse - even Mickey - sitting on the throne of the Kingdom! Unfortunately, all too often, while it may not be a mouse or some other Disney Character, we do find ourselves sitting on the King's throne instead of THE KING! When His Kingdom is truly working right, then He will have His place of Lordship and Leadership in our lives and in the world around us. When He's in charge, and His will is being accomplished, life lines up as it should. Our personal lives are blessed, our homes are at peace, our church is full of love and the Holy Spirit, our nation and society are characterized by righteousness, and our world is right!

This is a primary focus of our fasting and prayer time. As you pray during these 3 weeks of fasting, ask yourself, "Where has Christ not been given His rightful place of Rule?"

Join me in prayer today,

"Father, forgive me for not allowing you the place which you deserve, and you have bought and paid for - that is the place of Lord! First and foremost, please take charge of every area of my life and make everything right. Jesus, may your rule also be in place in our homes, church, schools, community, nation and world - we want to see Jesus' rule come to pass. We've seen and experienced the undesirable results of when we're in charge and we've had enough - WE NEED YOU! And Lord, just as I pray for your Kingdom to come, I also confess that, '...Thine is the Kingdom...' Lord, hear our prayer as we pray in Your Name! Amen."

Thank you for your hearts of devotion in prayer during this special season. Great things are in store for those who call on His Name. I pray you have a wonderful weekend in Jesus!

~Pastor Randy

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